Tezuka Osamu, Urasawa Naoki
Urasawa Naoki
Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mecha, Mystery, Philosophical, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Thriller, Tragedy
Someone – or something – is destroying the seven most powerful robots in the world one after the other; brutally dismantling them without any provocation on their part. Gesicht, one of the seven and a detective for the European Federation — Europol, embarks on a mission to capture the killer…and confront the mysteries behind the vague but disturbing memories that keep haunting him in his dreams.
Urusawa’s approach on “The Greatest Robot on Earth” chapter of Astro Boy done in celebration of Atom’s in universe birthday (April 7th, 2003).
Won the 9th Japan Media Arts Award Excellence Prize
Won the 9th Osamu Tezuka Cultural Award Grand Prize
Won the Seiun Award for Best Comic in 2010